Wildlife Identifier (I.D. Wild)

Role: Designer, Mediator, Researcher

Objective: Our client, the San Diego River Park Foundation (SDRPF) needed a method to reduce the time spent organizing and verifying wildlife images. We designed a web application that achieves this goal of reducing time spent on existing workflows by 20% for the SDRPF, which facilitated a more efficient analysis of ecological changes in San Diego.

Obstacles: After researching different methods and frameworks for implementation, we found that pattern recognition and AI were appropriate solutions to our problem statement. However, with our time constraints and experience, it was difficult to produce a deliverable that was practical, feasible, and reliable using those frameworks for our client. As a team, we brainstormed on potential pivots to take for our project and concluded on designing and developing a web application that would increase workflow efficiency through a simpler method.

Result: Used InVision prototypes to test possible solutions, culminating in a final design recommendation prototype and prioritized development roadmap.

Insights: Throughout my time working on this project, I learned how to work on a time constraint, which helped me analyze and plan our project accordingly, and make appropriate decisions/pivots where necessary. Most importantly, this project helped me grow as a professional by working with a client.

Design Report