Asteroids and Spaceships


Video Games

Role: Programmer

Objective: The task was to develop the Asteroids and Spaceships game and Minesweeper in Java using previously learned concepts in class.

Approach: In order to complete these games, first, I determined the parameters and components of the project. Next, I identified the relevant projects and concepts that I have previously learned. Then, I adjusted old code to accompany the components of the projects. Whenever I struggled to write code, I researched. I learned how to work alone and how to approach obstacles; I self-taught myself concepts that were required to complete the games. For example, many of the methods called for classes in the Java API that I was not familiar with, so I had to learn how they work to use them in my project. I learned how to balance working independently and asking for guidance. When I finally finished my projects, I debugged them and made sure they were fully functioning.

Result: Both games worked successfully